Passing on
the fire

Passing on the Fire.

Our Vision is passing on the Fire through
- Apostolic Community Training Seminars. (ACTS)
- Making Disciples of the NeXt Generation.
- Passing on the Blessing for Families.

Acts Academy 2022/23

Check out the Acts Academy in Autumm.
Start: 22. October 2022

Download Brochuremore information


Im folgenden sind meine Dienste zu sehen

Apostolic Community Training Seminars (ACTS)
Community Building Blocks

The ACTS Teams are Community Building Teams that have been created within the European Network of Communities to help establish and build healthy Christian Communities in Europe. We Assist, Consult, Train and Serve Christian communities in both western and eastern Europe.

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Blessing for Families

Blessing for Families minister and bring blessing to Families. We want to see a Culture of Blessing in which each person is affirmed in their Identity and Destiny, where Families are reconciled towards each other, where communities and churches are strengthened and where all Generations in society are blessed and renewed. We see Families Reconciled; Communities Strengthened and the Society Renewed.

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Youth Discipleship and Leadership Training

We make disciples and train the Next generation in “Following Jesus.” We train Young people in Following Jesus and how they can serve to be a blessing in their families, in their communities/churches and in the society they live. We help to establish youth discipleship and leadership training programs in your community, church or nation.

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About us

Gavin and Edith Farley are married since 1993. They have three grown up daughters Laura, Linda and Sarah.

Gavin was born and raised in South Africa and became a lay-missionary in 1986 where he served on a missionary hospital ship M/V Anastasis with Mercy Ships for 5 years. In 1991 he joined Youth with a Mission Austria in Vienna. For over 20 years he has been instrumental in running Discipleship and Leadership training programs, helping to build communities all over Europe and helping to establish the European Network of Communities (ENC).
They are part of the Community "Umkehr zum Herrn" Return to the Lord, an Ecumenical Community in Vienna, Austria which is part of the European Network of Communities

Gavin is currently vice-president of the European Network of Communities and is responsible for the ACTS teams which are Apostolic Community Training teams that are establishing and building communities in both Eastern and Western Europe.

Edith, was born in Luxembourg and was involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Luxembourg. She came to Vienna to study Catholic Theology in Vienna and was instrumental in leading a youth group which grew to 100 young people which later developed into a community. In 1992 she graduated and became a Catholic Religious teacher in the diocese of Vienna. Gavin and Edith got married in 1993 in Vienna and have served together in teaching in discipleship training schools and running discipleship training programs for communities. Edith currently serves in the Follow Me discipleship program and teaches and ministers together with Gavin as they serve families and communities together.

Support us

Prayer Support

We urgently need your prayer support. Prayer is an important element in our ministry and this is also the area in which you can really support and bless us. We need your prayers for our employees in order to be able to successfully expand this ministry in Austria.

Financial Support

We are trusting God to provide for our financial needs. Gavin is currently employed half time. For him to be able to offer his services free of charge we would need your support. We would be very open and thankful for your financial support. Monthly support would great, yearly or onetime donation also would be welcomed.

Bank: Easy Bank
IBAN: AT131420020010950520
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